Quishing is a combination of the words "QR code" and "phishing". It is a sophisticated type of phishing attack that uses QR codes to deceive users and obtain their sensitive information. QR codes are commonly used for quick access to websites or to obtain various information using smartphones.

How does quishing work?
Attackers create malicious QR codes that redirect users to fraudulent websites or download malware onto their devices. These codes can be placed in public places, sent via email, or even included in promotional materials or infiltrated into the advertising space of a website. When a user scans such a code, they are often redirected to a page that looks legitimate and requires the entry of personal information, such as login credentials or payment information.


This QR code is safe, and you can support us using it. 

Risks associated with quishing

Theft of login credentials: Fake websites can look authentic, leading users to enter their login details.
Malware spread: Malicious software can be downloaded and installed on the user's device without their knowledge.
Financial losses: Attackers can gain access to bank accounts and cause financial harm.

How to protect yourself from quishing?

Verify the source of QR codes: Scan codes only from trusted and verified sources.
Use security applications: QR code scanning apps can detect and warn against malicious codes.
Update software: Keep your operating system and antivirus software up to date.
Be cautious: Do not send sensitive information through unknown QR codes.

E-Bezpečí Editorial Team



Ocenění projektu E-Bezpečí

KYBER Cena 2023
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Nejlepší projekt prevence kriminality na místní úrovni 2023
(1. místo)
Evropská cena prevence kriminality 2015
(1. místo)

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