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mini_factninjalogo.jpg In today's digital world, manipulative techniques are becoming an increasingly common part of public communication, particularly in pre-election campaigns and often fraudulent advertising. The E-Bezpečí team from the Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, is offering an innovative solution – the FactNinja application. This unique tool, powered by the advanced GPT-4 Omni artificial intelligence model, allows for fast and efficient analysis of graphical content to uncover manipulative techniques, argumentative fallacies, and other unethical practices aimed at influencing public opinion.

mini_aimalware.jpgRecently, artificial intelligence, especially tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot, have become not only the focus of interest for technology enthusiasts but also the target of scammers who exploit its popularity to spread malware and phishing. This trend is worrying, as the increasing interest in AI also increases the number of people who fall for false promises of easy profit or problem-solving using these advanced technologies.

risks_seniors1.jpgArtificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly significant part of our daily lives. Technologies utilizing AI can be found in our mobile phones, computers, internet search engines, social networks, and even in household appliances. We also frequently encounter AI-generated products—articles, images, photographs, or videos—on the internet.


mini_swifties.jpgDonald Trump, the former President of the United States, is once again facing criticism for using artificial intelligence in his election campaign. After the discovery of fake AI-generated photos allegedly supporting Trump from Taylor Swift fans and Black voters, concerns about the spread of disinformation and manipulation of public opinion have increased. This is something that will need to be considered in the future as the misuse of artificial intelligence will increasingly affect democratic processes.

mini_fopo.jpgFOPO (Fear of Other People's Opinions) is a phenomenon that refers to the fear of what others think of us. This fear can significantly affect our decision-making, behavior, and overall well-being. Nowadays, when we are constantly exposed to records of other people's lives through social media, FOPO is very common.


Ocenění projektu E-Bezpečí

KYBER Cena 2023
(1. místo)
Nejlepší projekt prevence kriminality na místní úrovni 2023
(1. místo)
Evropská cena prevence kriminality 2015
(1. místo)

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