mini_deepnude.jpgUndressing applications (so-called deep nudes, AI deep nude, AI fake nude) are software tools powered by artificial intelligence that can remove clothing from photos or videos, generate a naked human body and create a realistic illusion of nudity. The tools that make this possible are freely available and can be misused by literally anyone. Moreover, this technology is not regulated in any way, and can be used in practice by virtually anyone; many applications of this type are completely free.

mini_freedom_of_speech.jpgIn the Czech Republic, we have the privilege of living in a society that protects and promotes freedom of speech. This fundamental right allows us to express our opinions and ideas, which is an invaluable pillar of our democracy. However, this is not the case in all countries and it is not a given everywhere.

mini_badai.jpgGenerative artificial intelligence has many positives (which we address, for example, on our specialized pages), but on the other hand, we must not ignore the risks and problems that this technology brings. For example, in recent months, more and more photos and videos created with the help of generative artificial intelligence have appeared in the public space. Many of them depict famous personalities – without their consent and with the aim of discrediting them or using them, for example, for fraudulent activities. This also affects ordinary internet users, such as teenage girls who have become targets of so-called undressing applications.

mini_robohuman.jpgArtificial intelligence creations are becoming increasingly perfect, and soon we will not be able to distinguish authentic records of real events (e.g., in the case of photos and videos) from AI-generated products. AI will dramatically change the way we approach information - photos and videos will no longer be a guarantee of truthfulness because they may (or may not) be artificially created through artificial intelligence. 

mini meta logoYou may have experienced this as well - someone unknown contacted you through Messenger on Facebook, claiming that your account or page violates the service terms and needs verification to prevent it from being blocked or deleted. The message is usually accompanied by the Meta Platforms logo (or another blue logo), and the account names often suggest that it could indeed be a report from Meta. However, it is a scam - phishing aimed at stealing your login credentials and taking over your account.


Ocenění projektu E-Bezpečí

KYBER Cena 2023
(1. místo)
Nejlepší projekt prevence kriminality na místní úrovni 2023
(1. místo)
Evropská cena prevence kriminality 2015
(1. místo)

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