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Olomouc (6 February 2017) - The Centre for Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication at Palacký University Olomouc investigated the popular computer game Minecraft and its influence in the child population. In the Czech environment, the research called The Minecraft Phenomenon took place in cooperation with Google and Vodafone. More than 2,300 active, mostly child players from all regions of the Czech Republic, participated. 

Olomouc (June 14, 2016) - Totally 21,73% of Czech teachers has become the victims of cyber attacks. This was confirmed by the National Cyberbullying Research of Czech teachers, where more than 5100 primary and secondary school teachers from all regions of the Czech Republic were involved. Cyber ​​attacks on teachers usually take place on social networks. Other "attacking" tools include cell phones, email, chat, and public websites. The research has been carried out by the Centre for the Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication, Pedagogical Faculty of UP in collaboration with O2 Czech Republic and

E-Bezpečí Annual Report for year 2013 is ready for download.

Olomouc (July 15, 2014) – The largest survey to date on the risk behaviour of Czech teenagers on the Internet has been conducted by Palacký University in Olomouc. The survey was completed by 28,000 teenagers. Altogether, 40 percent of them would respond affirmatively to a request for meeting in person. The survey findings will be practically applied by Palacký University experts: they will employ them to further educate teens as well as adults. The survey research was conducted by the Centre for the prevention of risky virtual communication at Palacký University in collaboration with their partners – the companies and Google.

mini_fblogoFake friends´ requests for help regarding restoration of fictive blocked service present a new kind of fraud that can be recently found on internet, Facebook at the first place. However, instead of unblocking of the blocked account you allow the offender to confirm transaction at your mobile operator. And how the whole fraud works?



Ocenění projektu E-Bezpečí

KYBER Cena 2023
(1. místo)
Nejlepší projekt prevence kriminality na místní úrovni 2023
(1. místo)
Evropská cena prevence kriminality 2015
(1. místo)

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