E-Bezpečí Annual Report for year 2013 is ready for download.

mini_fblogoFake friends´ requests for help regarding restoration of fictive blocked service present a new kind of fraud that can be recently found on internet, Facebook at the first place. However, instead of unblocking of the blocked account you allow the offender to confirm transaction at your mobile operator. And how the whole fraud works?



A few days ago an article called “Czech children are threatened by the network cyberbullying and pornography” appeared at iDNES. In the article the experts give their opinion on the issue of risky behaviour of children in cyberspace. What struck me most, however, is a quote from NCBI Lenka Eckert, who commented on the issue of watching pornography by children. Unfortunately, the text showed that she does not evaluate this activity negatively, but she sees pornography as "something that is good ... and what can be perceived as education." Although the quote – according to her, is distorted and taken out of context of the whole interview, it incited me to write at least a short comment.


mini_priznaniPhenomenon of internet confessions set the waves of Czech internet in motion and let us taste freedom of anonymous expression. However, the freedom also brought bitter cruelty of offending, taunting and defamation of particular individuals – mainly teachers. Today´s article will give you a taste of inexhaustible number of cases that are regularly being sent to our advisory centre on the subject of Confessions.

Extortion of children on the Internet has become taboo matter to a certain extent. On the one hand, it is because of the nature of the materials that are used for extortion, on the other hand there is an effort to conceal the individual cases in order to do no harm to victims, conceal a particular problem, hush up the case and try to solve it on its own.


Ocenění projektu E-Bezpečí

KYBER Cena 2023
(1. místo)
Nejlepší projekt prevence kriminality na místní úrovni 2023
(1. místo)
Evropská cena prevence kriminality 2015
(1. místo)

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